On March 27, 2023, Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced that Canada will launch a new economic pathway under the Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (EMPP) to help employers hire skilled refugees and other displaced individuals.

The EMPP is designed to pair skilled refugees and other qualified displaced individuals with Canadian employers who need to overcome labour shortages in key occupations. This allows Canada to welcome vulnerable people while giving Canadian employers access to an untapped talent pool from which they can attract and retain employees with the skills they need to help grow our economy.

The Government of Canada is expanding the EMPP by creating a new federal pathway, which will complement existing EMPP pathways and open this summer. This new pathway will give employers more opportunities to fill a wide range of in-demand jobs, including nurse aides, personal support workers, long-term care aides, software engineers, web designers, mechanical and electrical engineers and technicians, teachers, tourism and hospitality workers, and truck and delivery service drivers. The EMPP gives employers another avenue to address their labour market needs while offering EMPP candidates an opportunity to restart their careers and their lives in safety with their families here in Canada.

โ€œCanada is a global leader in helping skilled refugees connect with employers struggling to find workers in critical areas, while giving newcomers the opportunity to restart their careers and their lives here in Canada. Our government will continue to develop and scale innovative immigration measures to help employers address their critical labour shortages and provide refugees with the opportunity to live in safety while rebuilding their lives.โ€

โ€“ The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

In addition, the EMPP will now include a more flexible approach to eligibility by allowing other displaced people who lack a durable solution and are in need of international protection to apply. This change will allow more people to benefit from the program and contribute to Canada’s economy.

As skilled refugees and other displaced individuals rebuild their lives and careers, they help fill gaps in our labour force, contribute to local economies, and enrich our communities. The EMPP program provides a win-win solution for both employers and skilled refugees, creating a more diverse and inclusive workforce while addressing labour shortages in key industries.

The EMPP webpage will provide more information on the new federal pathway, including eligibility criteria, in the coming weeks. Canada remains committed to supporting vulnerable populations and strengthening our economy through innovative and compassionate policies. By providing opportunities for skilled refugees and other displaced individuals to build their careers in Canada, we are creating a brighter future for everyone.